February 7, 2009

Our First Ever Blog

This is another first for the Bashaw family, not only do we write Christmas letters but we are now blogging. Saturday afternoon has been pretty quiet and so we have made a decision to start a blog. We aren't quite sure what the normal expectations are for those who blog, but we have decided to take on the challenge. Since Heather's enrollment in school we had the luxury of purchasing a new laptop computer. We have enjoyed the perks associated with the new computer and most of all sitting on the couch, watching tv, and surfing the internet all at the same time. Isn't life in America grand? With a 4 year old running around the house our lives are hardly dull, but we both agree, Emma is the best perk of all! We look forward to including a blog in our lives as well! Thanks for visiting "The Bashaw Blog."

1 comment:

  1. This is going to be a very exciting blog experience! I'll have to keep on top of it during my vacation. I voted for a boy name too! Yipee!
